We Need Your Help!
Welcome to Move-a-thonTCI, a 5k, 10k, ½ marathon and marathon event. This year, we are very excited to add our inaugural full marathon to our existing distances! We understand that without awesome volunteers, none of this would be possible, so we need your help. We need you before, during and after the event. Volunteering is a great way to give back and support our runners, so we invite you to get involved!! Please contact us at volunteer@moveathontci.com and indicate your area of interest for volunteering from the list below. Please also provide your name, address, date of birth, phone number, email address and t-shirt size.
All of our volunteers will be given Move-a-thonTCI T-shirts to be worn when volunteering so you can be easily identified.
*Volunteers must be 18 or older to be on their own unless prior permission has been given by the race director.
The following volunteer opportunities are available.
- Greeter: You will be stationed at the entrance to welcome visitors to the event. You will direct participants to the various stations: packet and T-shirts pick up for pre-registered participants or the registration areas for the various distances. You will also be responsible for telling the participants about the Health fair and exhibit tables that will be set up right after the event.
- Course Marshals: Marshals will be responsible for an assigned location along the route. You will be responsible for monitoring runners during the race, providing course direction if necessary and giving encouragement to runners/walkers. All marshals will stay at your assigned post until the completion of the event and will only leave when instructed by the Race Director.
- Children’s Activities: Help coordinate activities/games just for children. You can decide on what activities you would like to lead; for example, you may want to consider activities such as face painting, hula hoop or any other active games. Volunteers who are up beat, like working with children and enthusiastic are a must!
- Water Station: This position involves having water and/or sports drinks ready for walker/runners as they pass by. Volunteers are responsible for the setting up and dismantling of the water stations.
- Information & Lost and Found Booth: Provide general information and answer questions about the event, race routes, parking, etc. If you do not know the answer, please find someone who does so that the participants are helped. If any article of clothing, cellphones or water bottles are lost, you will hold them for collection. Work closely with the announcer to remind participants to collect lost items.
- Host and Information: While all volunteers may be responsible for this area, the host and information staff will be the source of all information about the race. You will have to know about, where the starting and finishing points are; various registration booths, bathrooms and be able to help with any other areas of concern participants may have.
- General Setup & Tear Down: This crew will have a lot of physical labor – carrying chairs, setting up and moving tables, tent set up, cleaning up trash, etc.
- Floater / Runner: You will work closely with the Health fair vendors prior to race day to ensure they have everything they need to make their display/exhibit run smoothly. Then, on the morning of the event, you will be responsible for meeting all of the vendors needs.
- Finish line /Awards: At the finish line, you will record participants name and direct them to collect their medals. You may also need to assist answering general questions. As part of the awards team, you will work closely with the timing team to get results posted and announced in a timely manner. The awards team will also help with passing out medals.
- Data Entry: Volunteers for this area will work closely with finish line/awards team to input participants information, such as athlete’s name, gender, age, etc., into a computer. Volunteers must be very careful to not put in incorrect data as it can negatively effect race results.
- Facilities Management: You have one of the most, if not the most, important jobs because you will be helping to make our event as environmentally friendly as possible. You will be responsible for ensuring garbage/recycle containers are available and visible to everyone.